Learn,Earn & Play
Virtual Trading League Platform

Welcome to Leplay

We are a paper trading agency which focuses on trading education through a fantasized gaming platform since 2020.
Leplay- Objective & Working

Leplay - Aim & Objective

With the help of a fully functional, gamified mock-up trading platform and alluring incentives, LEPlay aims to engage and educate aspiring leaders about trading in crypto assets.The only asset that can be traded 365 days a year and 24/7 is crypto! A Fascinating Blend of Skill and Imagination.

AT LEPlay, We aims to engage and inform future leaders about Crypto asset trading using a full-fledged gamified mock-up trading platform and enticing incentives.

What we Do!

1.With our realistic scenarios, welcome to fresh starts.
2. We give you the knowledge and skills you need to prevail in battle!
3. Cryptographic charts and data analysis can be intimidating to beginners

Watch our video


Leplay is available and pays it's services on different trading platforms such as Crypto, stock markets, Forex, commodities etc.This helps the beginners to not only understand the risk but learn some skills of trading. Leplay is here to teach all technicalities that are related to and engaged in professional trading. So if you are a beginner trader and want to learn about it, this is the platform for you!

1. Practical Training

People in the contemporary world are enthusiastic about obtaining market-based knowledge. Though it is easy to acquire conceptual knowledge, attaining practical exposure is still a challenge

2. Utilization of Virtual Money

Spending money is always done reluctantly or is completely avoided by people. Luckily, in crypto trading, crypto currency is used for trading, which overrides the issue of dealing with actual fiat cash outflow

3. Elimination of Risks

The virtual crpto markets help in eliminating the real risks associated with trading. You lose nothing while trading virtually and learn abundantly!

4. Exposure

The trader will gain knowledge, practical exposure and the opportunity to assess different types of risks which will help them when trading in real-time.

Start your  JOURNEY now

Crypto is taking over the world

Coming Soon

It’s Just a Gaming League

The players who took part in the league stages would bring in money for LEPlay. The top line would rise in proportion to how many players signed up for the competition. Given that the prize pool is predetermined, the expenditure will not change

Try it Free


  • Create a username and password for the account.
  • Enter private rooms or challenge one of our trading bots by clicking the Premier-League tab! These bots direct you using clear techniques, some of which are straightforward and others challenging. You can get valuable tokens that you can use to buy class tickets by winning Preleagues.
  • When you're ready, purchase your preferred ticket and your confidence in your abilities to compete anywhere in the world.
  • Set your class calendar, join the game, and start playing as soon as the commencement clock reaches zero. You'll see that your wallet has a virtual exchange balance of $100,000 already loaded
  • You are allowed to make any number of trades during the group, and when the buzzer sounds, the traders with the most impressive record wallet will be declared the winners! In the event of a tie,the prize is divided and awarded in a similar manner.
  • All financial awards will be given to the winners within 24 hours of their victory.
  • All class winners received equipment for the Champions Alliance, and they will receive email tickets for the Champions Groups.
  • We have two different types of leagues, a weekly league and a Mega League, as far as our gaming leagues and the rewards are concerned. Anyone can play the games, whether they are a pro, newcomer, or beginner!

Get Started

Admin Portal

The admin portal has been designed to capture user behavior, currency management, league management, leaderboard specifics for winners and ico specific currency/ tokens marketing.